Thursday, October 30, 2008

No Sex in the City

-Please allow me to introduce myself. ---
I am a 35 year old single, smart and sophisticated woman who lives in a major city- No husband and no kids.- I am a television producer and real estate agent. Yes, you heard me- I have 2 jobs. - I am healthy, happy and free! -Yeah....I am blessed and have a wonderful life ---But there's a catch - I'm alone (even when I'm in a room full of people). I am a single, sexless Vegetarian (only because I don't #*$@! meat eaters) ...and not ready to settle for less, which is "girl code" for not wanting to date mama's boys, selfish assholes or lazy couch potatoes....and not wanting to entertain immature or insecure boys .....or those who have impregnated several women . ---Well, you get the picture.
-As a result, I haven't dated, slept with, talked on the phone with, kissed or dry humped a man in 2 years. I am not itching for sex anymore (it was rough for the 1st year- but I'm OK now). Two years ago, I left a 7 year relationship, buckled down on my career and decided not to take Carnivores seriously ( I will flirt, spoon with and fantasize about them- but no physical exchange). - Please know that it's already hard enough for normal girls to have a decent dating life --and...I had to add to the difficulty by narrowing my choices to the slim few that don't dine on animals. My friends are married, super picky or hoping to get married to the one they are with. When I go out, the buzzards start circling (I seem to attract the biggest assholes in the house). The seemingly nice guys are shy or laid back - they are out-numbered by women sometimes 15 to 1 and have no need to approach women.
- My Mom has advised me to bat my eye lashes and give eye contact to cute (and employed) men at Whole Foods. Friends want me to Internet date so that I can streamline my callers to vegetarians who like to travel. I will give it a try - but treat it like a game, where I can observe the ratio of weirdos to normal guys. The hopeless romantic part of me want to believe that a man of quality would actually graze the Internet for a real connection (not just for sex).
- So, I decided to start this blog because an an attempt to connect with others of my kind. I will share tells of Internet play and eye lash batting. I am not a good eye lash batter , and have never Internet dated - so this is gonna be interesting.


  1. Hey,as i was reading this I realized the power of the pen sort a say. Life is very trying and I can understand exactly what your saying. I guess thats why I have had the situations I've had cause i'm always around these people. Haven't met anyone out of my circle and that may make it easier but not always worth it. You are a wonderful person and I always pray you find the right one.No, it's not are character to approach men, but at this stage of the game you have to meet them half way. A little fliting can take you a long way. I really love what your starting and I
    m not at all surprised, you have it in you. Anything you need be sure to let me know.

  2. Don't give up Vegan princess.....your meatless prince is out there. Plus the fun is in the hunt and setting the trap. I suggest that you open your dating field to include carnivores, and gradually introduce them to the vegan lifestyle.

  3. I must comment in sections - because there is simply too much to say! I think the Vegan way is swell, but DAMN, seriously, a deal breaker? I just think it is way too much of a restriction to put on anyone..especially if everything is else is groovy. "Well, he is smart, tall, and cool..but only if he could kick that pepperoni slice habit!" UGH! This is outrageous. What fraction of the population IS Vegan? Perhaps see what folks exist in that realm and see how that is. Maybe it is not so great having a bunch of veggie dudes wearing Birkenstocks chatting you up? I dig eating well, but I am not going to get on a soap box and call others that want a burger "ogre's or barbaric" for crying out loud. Do you really think it is that bad? If so, why?

  4. Hang in there. You will find your vegan man one of these days. Maybe going on some dating sites for vegans/veggies might really help. I've checked out some profiles and there seems to some really great guys but of course they always like in the U.S. I live in a crappy small city in Canada where the veganism poulation is like 2 %.Damnit.

  5. Hello there, I'm not a vegan myself, but buddhists and hindus are vegetarians so maybe expand your horizons?
